
Listen to the voices of those who use them

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The reason why ABST is able to become a top-ranking baby products manufacturer in China, in addition to excellent production equipment and production capacity, more importantly, we have a perfect market research system, more than our customers understand their end-users, and their ultimate needs as the first element of production and research。

make the fence to be not only a product, but also can assist each family to bring them a safe and secure life style and easy childcare.

I’m going to  share with you what my client, Jessie’s comment abaut us, who I have been working with for 5 years.

Jessie said that before she became a mother, she worked with me more on the factory’s production time and quality assurance, which is of course the basic element that every supplier must have when inspecting a factory.

Having worked with her so far, I also believe that our factory meets her needs,  so that she has been willing to sincerely maintain good communication with me.

Few years later, when she became a mother and had a 17-month-old daughter, she shared with me mothers’ initial reason for buying the fence when she experienced the products produced by ABST from user’s point.

1、Children grow up to a certain stage, they need their own safe and adequate play space to solve the needs, the fence can just give them a piece of exclusive play space

2、 When the mother alone at home to take care of the child will always have a lot of unpredictable things happen, resulting in our temporary need to leave the child alone, put on the bed or sofa there is a risk of falling down, put on the ground there is a mess climbing to dangerous places may, with the fence can let the busy mother feel free to hands.

3、The fence can better help to develop children’s independence, reduce outside interference, in the exclusive world to focus on exploring the world, playing games, thinking, fence can also avoid too much dependence on the mother.

4、Now the fence is particularly humane, Considering our customer need to use the fence in other places, we will be for the user to pre-consider the storage problem, so that it can be folded will not occupy more area.

Indeed, every parent hopes that their children can grow up healthy and happy, watching  child’s daily photos and videos jessie shared,I see the baby’s happy smile, which makes warm and comforting, I think this is why we have been insisting on the selection of environmentally friendly and healthy raw materials, control every production details, and constantly do a variety of weight range test motivation.

We have been standing in the position of parents to strive to develop and produce learning aids that can adapt to different stages of child growth, parent-child interactive game appliances. We believe that our customers’  satisfaction is our real success.

Therefore, we have been moving towards such a goal, constantly strengthening our R&D team for product design and development, digging deeply into the most essential needs of the market, cultivating keen market research insight, expanding the value chain of the entire product system, maintaining good and sincere communication with our customers, and constantly improving and adjusting our strategy to achieve mutual growth.

As Jessie always says, working with us saves her a lot of worries, she only needs to tell me what she wants and when she wants it, the rest of the time she just waits for the goods to arrive, and we will help her to complete all the business with ease.

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